I dream of Scotland…

That Brown Girl
5 min readJun 14, 2016


courtesy of: learningenglishteens.britishcouncil.org

I have been blessed to travel to quite a few countries in my 34 years of living on this planet. Australia, North and South America, Europe, Asia and the UK. Visiting a few places here and there.

I’ve seen the beauty of Brazil, felt the buzz of New York City and enjoyed the bliss of tranquility Singapore had to offer. Netherlands was an experience that deserves a blog entry all on its own! It was full of entertaining mishaps and stroopwafels and good cheese :-)

Down under is another special place for me — even after 9 visits — Sydney never gets old. It’s not the obvious spots like the Opera House that thrill me, but the little gems like a specific coffee shop near Balmain beach or the nearby markets.

And while I loved London city and enjoyed visiting Buckingham Palace and imagining being called in for tea — not with the Queen — but with that hottie of a grand son… “Hey Harry!” In recent years I’ve said that there are only a few more places I’d really love to see:

  1. Spain
  2. Croatia
  3. Scotland
  4. Russia
  5. Nashville, Tennessee USA

And whilst not much of that list has changed (I haven’t travelled in a hot minute — can you tell!) I do feel a reshuffling is in order. As I see it now, my list is as follows:

  1. Scotland (and Ireland)
  2. Spain
  3. Croatia
  4. Nashville, Tennessee USA
  5. Russia

Nothing has fascinated me more in the last year than Scotland. While a lot of it is due to the ever popular series of books and now television show — Outlander — it also has to do with family and friends living abroad in the UK and travelling to Scotland or moving there altogether.

The intrigue of a place that is stealing the hearts of those I know. The mystery of the Gaelic culture and the rich history and landscape of a country that seems to remain largely untouched by modern day development and pollution.

Though marked by wars, which is evident by the many ruins that dot the countryside, it has an almost ethereal-fairytale-like feel to it. And maybe it’s my deep desire for a fairy tale escapism experience that has fueled my fire to visit this place so desperately.

So — as if blogging about it will make it official — I am planning a trip to Scotland! Yay! While it is a year away…. don’t judge me…the pound to rand struggle is real! It is something I am determined to do. I have to save a lot of money to get there — but what the heck!

Why…Because I dream of Scotland.

Of running along paths in rolling hills with a castle in my view.

Of going on a whiskey tasting — something I’ve never even tried before. And of eating with the locals, trying to mimic their accents and understand what they’re saying. Yes the weather may be dodgy even in the summertime but we’ll forgive them for that… no one or rather — no country is perfect!

I’m thinking of starting my Scottish adventure in Edinburgh and moving north to St Andrews, Aberdeen, round to Inverness, Isle of Skye and coming around back down to Glasgow.

I’ve recently discovered that Scotland now has its own version of a Route 66 drive. This one being a coastal drive that is far prettier — called: NC500. I may now amend my route to include this drive.

I figure I need about R40,000 to make this trip happen. I’ll be attending a church conference for 3 days in Isle of Man prior to my travel adventure…so this amount should do the trick.

All things considered — I’m interested to hear from others who have made the trip to Scotland — is it as beautiful as it seems? Do I believe the hype?

courtesy of: Pinterest.com

Will there be any Jamie Frasers around? I doubt it — but one can dare to believe the impossible hahaha.

Do men really walk around town with their kilts on and nothing underneath?….mmmm so much to know!

Share your thoughts and or advice with me if you have. I may never save enough money to go — I’ve got bills to pay like every Tom, Dick and Harry — but I’m at least gonna try my hardest to make this dream come true.

Here’s a few pics of Scotland that have made me want to go there — I hope it inspires you too…maybe not to travel to Scotland per say (if it’s not your plate of haggis!) but to travel nonetheless. To seek out new adventures, to set goals to strive towards. To dream a little…. so that your mundane everyday thoughts are interrupted by a bit of sparkle and magic. To make you smile a little…

Here’s to travelling and enjoying life!! Here’s to you Scotland — for making me smile, and for letting me dream a little more lately :-)

courtesy of: theplantd.com
courtesy of: tripadvisor.com
courtesy of: thesundaytimes.co.uk
courtesy of: pcwallart.com
courtesy of: w-dog.net



That Brown Girl

30 something. Single. Christian, Coffee addict. Slightly crazy.